Monday, June 22, 2009

Researcher in focus: Dr. Joseph Pomerening

Dr. Joseph Pomerening, cell biologist at Indiana University has been named a 2009 Pew Scholar. Article here. The Indiana University news brief cites Dr. Pomerening's work as focusing on "how specific enzyme systems that control cell growth and division are regulated. Pomerening's research takes advantage of single-cell approaches along with cell sorting and live cell imaging of mammalian cells, as well as biochemical studies using Xenopus laevis egg extracts and embryos. He is specifically investigating the role of cyclin-dependent kinases, proteins that modify other proteins to alter their expression and that allow for dynamic changes that ultimately direct the cell to complete the complex and elegant process of division". Pictured from left to right are members of his lab: Joseph Ipe, Dr. Yan Ma (postdoc), Dr. Joe Pomerening (PI), Xi Yuan, Qing Kang. We thank Dr. Pomerening for the picture and salute him and his great team!

Monday, June 8, 2009

News We Like

An April 2009 Scientific American article dramatizes the new focus on Science education.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Xenopus1 Frog Facility Wildlfe

This is a spring highlight. Sandhill Cranes.

New Xenopusone Lab Shoes?

Get these flippers

Brain imaging

Previous post showed how science made art with Photography. There's also a field called Nuerofinance that explores the rationality of investing decisions.

Anesthetic binding to gramicidin A

P Tang, R G Eckenhoff, and Y Xu in Biophys J. April; 78 (4) 2000 Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicene, Univ. of Pittsburgh, ABSTRACTHigh-resolution (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance and direct photoaffinity labeling as the process. Dr. Eckenhoff's recent work here. Some of the coolest stuff in science! As you judge from the sometimes rambling tone of our humble frog blog, we love where things intersect. Here we have a juncture of art and science. And it is for sure deep science. The whole idea of "putting people to sleep" and how that works, shown in photo of a tadpole.
A Greatest frog on earth™story.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our new social network program invites all commentary. We love highlighting labs and "people in the know" on our blog. If you follow twitter/xenopus1 will get you publications updates, facility news and more to come.

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On, on We look forward to these to bridging our facility with the people and institutions that are our clients.